The LaFontaines // Infla-Nation // 09.06.24

The message that Motherwell multi-genre rockers The LaFontaines were playing a gig on a Sunday afternoon in Inflata Nation was a surprise. The LaFontaines have been steadily building a reputation over the last 10 years for impressive live shows. Since their previous UK tour headlined at the 02 Academy Glasgow a soft play in Kinning Park seemed like a strange choice to start the next one. In a video lead vocalist Kerr described the struggles of balancing his new job of being a dad and his old job of playing live music gave them the idea of doing a show in a kid’s venue for the parents with childcare built in.

I took it as a sign to make it up to my certified swifty daughters who were too young to attend the megastar playing the same evening in Edinburgh, after excitedly playing them a few tracks they were nonplussed about the music but excited by the prospect of an inflatable playpark so it was a go.

On arrival, it was clear this was not going to be a smooth operation, confused looking parents looked around as the stage was being set up in the cupcake corner. As “Let it Go” blasted over the PA I wondered what type of practical joke was about to commence, however, the PA died down and the band got straight into “Since You Made a Move”. The sound is surprisingly impressive and the music sounds every bit as good as a regular venue. Lead vocalist Kerr Okan tries to convince everyone to shuffle forward but absolutely nobody obliges leaving him to have to foray into the crowd to avoid standing awkwardly next to the strawberry trampoline.

“I feel like I am at Butlins” exclaims Kerr as he sits down after 2 songs addressing the elephant in the room (there are actually a few elephants painted around this room), it is undoubtedly an awkward atmosphere, but a happy and bemused one, everyone has grins on their faces but don’t know quite what they should be doing instead of sitting sipping blackcurrant juice watching high energy hip hop rock. “A” is for “Alpha” is the kid-tailored introduction for their 2019 hit, Kerr manages to convince one of the youngsters who brought their own pretend guitar to get up on a seat and play to the crowd with the intensity of an 8-year-old Ian Curtis. The staff let Kerr get on the trampolines as the band goes through their hits and I expect I am not the only parent who has to fight the urge to mosh out on a bouncy castle. The kids are excited that something is happening but they can’t tell quite what it is and the attempt to herd them into a conga line during one song utterly fails.

The set is great live and it’s easy to think about how much fun this would be at a regular venue, I don’t believe any other bands have upcoming plans to play Inflata Nation but I am not sure many others could manage to overcome the surreal situation, Kerr is running around high fiving all the kids and the band gives off a warm and friendly vibe. After the songs are done they chat and take photos with all the families.

That evening while we were making our dinner the kids asked “Daddy, can we make a rock band?” I don’t think I will be able to write anything nicer in a review ever again. The LaFontaines 4th album “Business as Usual” is out on the 14th of June with an upcoming tour of more traditional venues like The Barrowlands in September if soft play is not your thing.

Words & Pictures: Dale Harvey

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