CSS // DryGate // 22.06.24

CSS bring a revitalising reunion tour to Drygate brewery tonight in Glasgow, a fitting venue for this party crew as they brew up the brilliance of Brazil and sweet sounds of everything that indie sleeze has to offer.

With fast guitar licks, a grunge attitude and synth dance tunes, CSS have got us covered for a good time.

Sassy lead singer Lovefoxxx is not one to disappoint, engaging as much dancing as singing and keeping the energy at an all time high as the crowd chant “CSS sucks” following the first few notes of the “CSS suxxx”.

The heat is turned up throughout the night as electricity travels through the stage and onto the crowd when Lovefoxxx outlandishly throws herself into the hands of the sweaty audience for a crowd surfing session.

Something I was not expecting, but it only proves the ecstatic live energy and unpredictability of this band.

City grrrl” is the epitome of rebellion and an iconic piece of dance music expressing the spirit of young female adult hood.

The night ends with a high spirited venga boys walk off outro “We Like to Party” a perfect ending to a party that we did not want to end. A slight feeling of sorrow lingers around the back of my mind knowing that the band will most likely not be touring again.

Words: Rose McEnroe @rosemcenroe_

Pictures: Elliot Hetherton: @elliothetherton

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